
Online multiple file sharing

Thank you for purchasing Droppy. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here or you can just E-Mail us via our support pageThank you so much!


  1. Unzip the "Files" directory.
  2. Upload all the files from the "Files" directory to your server.
  3. Go to your browser and type something like http://youwebsite.com/install.php
  4. Follow the installation steps.
  5. When the installation has been finished you can login to the admin panel with the login details you entered.
  6. When you are logged in you can change the settings to your need.
  7. When everything is done you need to create a cron job the points to the "cron_droppy.php" file.

       Tutorial from Tutsplus about how to setup cron jobs (http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/managing-cron-jobs-with-php--net-19428)

Upload file(s):

If you want to upload a file you need follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Select file(s)" button and choose the files you want to upload.
  2. Fill in the emails you want to send the file(s) to. (If you don't want to send via email skip to step 4)
  3. Fill in your email address. (If you don't want to send via email skip to step 4)
  4. Fill in the message you want to send to the recipients.
  5. You can click the little "Gear" in the bottom right corner this will open a section with upload options.

Change max upload size:

You can change the maximum upload size of droppy in the admin panel go to:

Settings -> General settings and scroll down to "Max upload size (MB)".




Before you're going to use Droppy you need to be sure that you have the following requirements:


# Installation:

First you need to create a database follow this tutorial to create one using phpMyAdmin:

When the database has been located you can begin with installing Droppy


  1. Unzip the "Files" directory.
  2. Upload all the files from the "Files" directory to your server.
  3. Go to your browser and type something like http://youwebsite.com/install.php
  4. Follow the installation steps.
  5. When the installation has been finished you can login to the admin panel with the login details you entered.
  6. When you are logged in you can change the settings to your need.
  7. We recommend to delete the install.php file that is located in the main directory of Droppy.
  8. When everything is done you need to change the directory permissions of the "uploads/" directory, you can do this by using FileZilla (See video for more info)
  9. When the permission has been changed you need to create a cron job the points to the "src/cron_droppy.php" file. You can create a cron job by using cPanel, Plesk. The cron job should be runned between every 1 to 5 minutes. You can use this as command: php /home/proxibolt/public_html/domain.com/src/cron_droppy.php as (Don't forget to change the path to your own) the path to your cronjob file depends on your hosting provider, if need help finding your path please contact your hosting provider.

           Tutsplus tutorial about how to setup cron jobs http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/managing-cron-jobs-with-php--net-19428




General settings:


#Site name:

This is the name of your website this will be show on different places like emails and headers.


#Site title:

This is the title of your website this will be show on browser tabs and used by search engines.


#Site description:

You can fill in your desciption of your website this will be used by search engines like Google.


#Logo path:

This is the path to the logo image, the logo image will  be show on the home page of Droppy. If you want to go a directory up use "../" eg: "../images/test.png".


#Favicon path:

This is the path to your favicon image, The favicon image will  be show in the tab of a browser. If you want to go a directory up use "../" eg: "../images/test.png".



This is the path to your background image, The background image will  be show on background of the home page. If you want to go a directory up use "../" eg: "../images/test.png".



This is the path/name of your language file, it is English.php by default but you can also change it to something else. Please not the you need to place a language file in the language directory ("config/language/").


#Expire time:

This is the time that it takes before a file/files gets destroyed. Please note that you need to have your cron job ready else it won't work.


#Max upload size:

This is the maximum amount (MB) a user can upload. Your maximum upload size also depends on your settings in your php.ini file.


#Upload directory:

This is the path to your upload directory. Do not forget to add "/" on the end. To go a directory up please use "../" eg: "../test/uploads/"


Email settings:


#Email from:

This is the email where the email is coming from something like noreply@proxibolt.com.


#Email from name:

This is the name of the sender where the email is coming from something like: No-Reply Proxibolt.


#Email server:

You can change this to Local (You local email server) or (SMTP) a extern email server.


Email templates:

Here you can change the messages of the emails to your own. You can use variables to output some values. Use it like:

Dear {email_to},

You have received some files ({total_files).
You have {expire_time} till it gets destroyed.

Send to:

Thanks for using {site_name}

Best regards,

#E-Mail receivers:

This is the message that would be send to the receivers of the file(s). You can use the following variables:


#Email sender:

This is the message that would be send to the sender of the file(s). You can use the following variables:


#Email destroyed:

This is the email that would be send to the send when his file(s) has been destroyed. You can use the following variables


#Email file downloaded:

This is the email that is being send to the transmitter when a recipient is downloading the file. You can use the following variables.


Social settings:

Here you can fill in your links to your social accounts. When empty the link will not be showed on the home page.


If you want you can translate Droppy to your own language by using the translate file.

Go to "confg/translation/" and dublicate the "English.php" file and change English.php to your language something like Dutch.php. Open the "Dutch.php" file and change the english sentences to your own Only change the text BEHIND the arrow.


Q:  I am getting a white screen when I'm going to my website.

A: Did you installed Droppy properly ? And check if all the table exists (It should be a total of 7 tables)


Q: My upload says that it has been uploaded but the files don't exist on my server.

A: Check you "uploads/" directroy permissions it should be 777 (0777)


See more frequently asked questions in our FAQ http://support.proxibolt.com/hc/en-us/categories/200495571-Support


If you have any other problems please contact us here.

V 1.0.6 (10 June, 2015) * Improved: New upload system * Improved: New download system * Improved: URL privacy (No emails in the URL anymore) * Improved: Windows OS improvements * Added: Possible to sort table views in admin panel * Added: Possible to view all the rows in tables * Added: Option to automatically destroy file after certain amount of reports * Added: Option to change the password and email of the admin user * Added: Option to restore admin password * Fixed: Small minor bug fixes V 1.0.5 (4 April, 2015) * Fixed: Minor bug fixes V 1.0.4 (30 March, 2015) * Added: Upload report system. * Added: Social button links will now open in a new tab * Added: Variable {download_btn}. * Added: Variable {password}. * Added: Clickable file id to uploads and downloads table in the admin panel. * Added: Social buttons to all pages. * Added: Social buttons will now open into a new tab. * Added: Email when receiver has downloaded the file(s). * Added: Error message when file size to large. * Fixed: File names in a zip file will now be their old name. * Fixed: Problems that not all the files were zipped into one zip file. * Fixed: Some meta tags improvements. * Improved: Better styling for the receivers section on upload page. * Improved: Some styling and error messages. * Improved: Responsive improvements. * Improved: Uploading function. V 1.0.3 (11 March 2015) * Fixed: Bug droppy not working with subdirectory. * Fixed: Some email template character coding. * Fixed: Some little bugs. * Added: {email_to} tag to the email templates. * Added: Social buttons to the download page. * Added: Option to admin panel to update your current url. * Change: Made some small changes to the translation. V 1.0.2 (8 March, 2015) * Fixed: "-" and "," not working propperly in filename. * Fixed: Social logo settings not working properly. * Fixed: Upload settings section not closing/opening in some browsers. * Fixed: Success message when user clicks the download button. * Fixed: UTF-8 coding in email templates settings (Russian language etc.) * Fixed: Translation bug. * Added: Multiple website backgrounds with live update after set seconds. * Added: Clickable background url per background image. * Added: Email when destruct upload from admin panel * Added: German translation. * Added: Function to disallow specific file types * Added: Download page in the admin panel. * Added: {password} option added to email templates * Changed: Replaced the social buttons (For future plans). V-1.0.1 (3 March, 2015) * Fixed: Some errors and bug fixes. * Fixed: Email bug. * Fixed: Translation bug. V-1.0 (2 March, 2015) * Release